Implementing Campaign Manager - External Integrations

Execute Documents Plugin

Use the Execute Documents plugin to execute documents running within the Campaign Manager system.

After a data load into Engine Campaign events needs to be refreshed with new data values to be displayed/calculated. In Campaign Manager clicking the Run button processes/refreshes the current document. It calculates all selection rules included in your campaign's audience and any selections or data manipulations configured in your Tracks or Triggers, including embedded data engineering nodes. Note that it will not start your campaign. This is a way of testing individual campaign logic and is not an end-to-end simulation of the campaign.

The Execute document plugin is equivalent to the Run button in behavior, it accepts document id's from another Kettle input step and processes the list accordingly.

The scripts in this directory need to be run in an open-source ETL package called Kettle. There are three ways of running the scripts:

  1. With a user interface, using a Kettle application called Spoon.
  2. From a command line, using a Kettle application called Kitchen.
  3. From another Kettle script using the 'Transformation' step

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